Adult Learning Courses – the perfect support tool

FutureSchool is a global leader in the development of learning management systems, educational software and online tutoring aligned to National Standards to comply with Functional Skills for Adults. We bring over 25 years experience in education to the home, classroom and adult education sectors, including provision for face-to-face teaching with direct online technical and academic assistance (Ask a tutor) for the two core learning areas of literacy and numeracy.

FutureSchool has also many years experience in the development of the Basic Skills Tests in literacy and numeracy, including the materials, distribution, marking, psychometrics and reporting of all data and outcomes to Governments.

OUR GOAL for the Adult Learner

  • To provide innovative online solutions and benefits for mature-aged students and adults of all ages.
  • To ensure the transfer of educational content is easily understood.
  • To ensure the adult learner in the workplace environment is able to apply and put into practice the specialised skills obtained from our online programs.
  • To provide adult learners with the opportunity to learn in a safe and secure environment.
  • To see all adult learners reach their full potential and gain the confidence to excel in an ever-changing workplace and technical environment.


Mature-Aged learning and up-skilling staff

FutureSchool online learning systems now caters for the mature-aged student or for companies looking to up-skill their staff with ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), literacy and numeracy courses. Our courses carry recognition and accreditation worldwide and with a flexible learning platform that is second to none. This offers large corporate entities a viable educational and economic solution for their company and their staff.